In early 2000’s, faith-based churches began to stream their services online, and it started to take off that when COVID hit the world. Faith based content quickly became a world sensation, and now becoming a faith base content creator is not only a way to spread the gospel but is now an official profession.
First , let’s identify what a faith- based or Christian content creator is, and it seems simple right? A Christian or faith-based content creator are religious creators that solely create religious content for marketing and promotion purposes, and these creators are everywhere.
The reason for faith base creators is to help reach believers and non-believers. I’m pretty sure that you’ve turn on your TV and seen a faith based commercial or, you’ve login into your social media page and saw a faith based ad on your news feed, It’s literally everywhere, and that’s thanks to the technical world we live in and ,it’s not hard to become a faith based content creator, in fact now is the perfect time to become a faith-based content creator.
Now that we know what a faith-based content creator is, we can jump into how to become one, and that is simple; believe in the faith, be creative, and be ready to serve. Create a strategy on how to influence others to draw into the faith you already believe in, this is good place to pause and mention to you that it would be very hard or challenging to convince someone of something that you don’t believe in yourself, so believing in the faith is top priority to becoming a faith-based content creator.
In a YouTube video, Christian influencer Sean Cannell discusses a message to Christian or faith-based content creators, and he said that “Christian content creators are called to be light to the world.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. In my most recent interview I did. I interview Christian content creator and St. Louis Christian rapper Deidra DeNeise, and she said that “content creators’ main purpose is to create content for some type of medium or channel, such as blogs or social media.”
Faith- Based content creators are so popular now that even religious leaders are becoming content creators. On Tuesday, October 10,2023 I had the opportunity to attend Covenant For Life International Church Content Creators Class, that Deidra DeNesise spoke at, where she shared with Covenant For Life leaders and media creators what it takes to be a faith-based content creator, take a listen to what she had to say.