TV production is more of a development process, especially for TV shows and news productions. In TV production you have your writing stage, shooting, and editing stages, whereas with church media you’re dealing with live broadcast more than anything else, so there’s no writing or editing stage, just a lot of live shooting, and hoping no one messes up, and if someone does mess up you can save the live stream to edit later, but by then it might be too late because of course, it was a live recording.
Live broadcasting can be nerve-racking, but it's a challenge that can be overcome with the right preparation and planning. Having a backup plan and a team to support you is essential. Practicing and testing your equipment before the show is also important.
There are some similarities between church media and TV, including lighting, stage and scene design, image projections, text projections, video projections, live sound, recorded sound and video, and of course online streaming of video and audio. Both media rely on experienced technicians and producers to create effective visuals and sounds. Additionally, both media require high-quality equipment to produce the desired effect. All of these resembleTV media, especially live TVbroadcasting. The main difference is that church media is focused on providing a spiritual experience, while TV media is focused on providing entertainment. Church media also tends to be more interactive, with elements such as audience participation. However, the way they are used is what makes them different.
Every church uses these same tools, but differently; at Covenant for Life International, the church Media Director Courtney Triplettuses Studio 6 software to livestream to the church's social media platforms. He uses two JVC 250 Ultra 4K cameras, both at different angles to capture footage of the church service, two different sound boards, one is for the live stream audio, and one is for in-house audio, ProPresenter 7 software for the best quality projection text, images, and video during church services, and a black magic board to record the live stream video for later use.
In this two-minute video, you will see clips of how Covenant for Life media director Courtney Triplett prepares for Sunday morning services before the congregation assembles.